Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Evie @ 3 Months

Monthly Milestones:
Still smiling big smiles!
Three days ago she started "talking" all the time!
Not a big fan of tummy time :(
Stretches like she is trying to roll from back to tummy

Favorite Things:
Smiles when Daddy says "Hello, Sweetness!"
Still sucking on her hands
Being held up on shoulder or like she's standing
Listening to Queen (haha!)

Weight: >11.8 lbs (as of checkup 2 weeks ago, so even more now)
Height: >23 in. (as of checkup 2 weeks ago, so even more now)
75% for weight and height!

Clothing Size: Just started wearing 3-6 months clothes

Sleeping Pattern: Still a great sleeper! Sleeping for an 8-9 hour stretch at night; many naps throughout the day

Eating Patterns: Nurses every 3 hours

Evie Peevie
Sweet Girl

Things Others Have Said about You:
She looks like Aunt Jennifer.

Things We Have Noticed about You:
A pro at road trips - just sleeps and wakes to eat.
Super hot natured - hair gets curly.
Tongue is hardly white anymore (from milk).

Mommy Moment: 
Evie, it is so fun seeing you smile and hearing you talk to us! We can't wait for you to actually start talking. I love spending my days with you. You're the sweetest and we love you so much!


We spent the day in Blue Ridge and hiked Amicalola Falls.

Bridal Shower for Aunt Taylor!

First successful bottle given by GDad

Dad being ordained at Vintage Church in New Orleans
Daddy is officially a pastor!
Face after powdered sugar for the first time at Cafe du Monde :)
First Mercer football game for all of us!

Second time going to the beach!
First time going in the ocean. Not a fan!
Meeting the Howds

Other Pictures:

3 Month Photo Shoot (at Hilton Head Island):