Monthly Milestones:
Holding head up - likes tummy time sometimes
Sneezes and gets hiccups all the time
Favorite Things:
Seeing all of her family in GA
Weight: About 9 lbs.
Height: At least 21 in.
Clothing Size: Newborn, some 0-3 months
Sleeping Pattern: Loves to sleep! Already sleeping a 6-7 hour stretch at night; many naps throughout the day
Eating Patterns: Nurses every 3 hours
Little One
Evie Girl
Things Others Have Said about You:
She is so cute.
She is so sleepy.
Does she ever cry?
Her tongue is so white! (milk residue)
Things We Have Noticed about You:
Both sides of the family LOVE spending time with her.
The beautiful tan we thought you'd have is fading to look like Mommy's pale skin. Sorry for those genes.
Mommy Moment:
I was excited and nervous before you arrived. What if this turned out to be way different than we expected? But from the moment we saw you, we have been crazy head over heels for you. You are our perfect little girl. Even those sleepless nights the first few weeks were worth it just to hold you while you slept so peacefully all day. We love you so much and can't wait to see what God has in store for you!
Happy 1st Father's Day, Dad! |
Community Group Goodbye Cooks Party. We love the Nettles! |
I had the privilege of baptizing Rachel our last Sunday in New Orleans! |
Our last week at Vintage Church. We will miss so many people! |
Nana meeting her first grandchild for the first time! |
A little Evie break during the Peachtree Road Race |
4th of July with the Cooks + Barkers |
Other Photos:
1 Month Photo Shoot: